Tips to care for your dog in summer
Keeping your dog cool and safe during the summer is essential to protect him from the risks associated with extreme heat, such as heat stroke, dehydration and paw burns. Today we’ll talk about some helpful tips for caring for your dog during the summer:
- Be sure to keep your dog well hydrated with fresh water. At Ladran Gaucho you will find ideal water/food bowls for this purpose.
- Avoid walking your pet during the hottest hours: the best times to take your dog out is early in the morning or late in the afternoon when temperatures are cooler.
- Never leave your dog alone in the car: not even with the windows open. Vehicles can heat up very quickly and it is very dangerous for your dog.
- Give your dog homemade ice cream: to give your pet a treat, you can give him a homemade ice cream made with half a ripe banana and a natural yogurt without lactose or sugars. You just have to crush the ingredients, put it in an ice cream mold or in the same glass of yogurt, and leave it in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours.
- Make sure your dog’s pads are well hydrated: asphalt and sand can reach extreme temperatures in summer and burn your dog’s paws. For this, it is good to use pad balms, which protect your dog’s paws against burns and dryness. These balms create a protective barrier, moisturizing the pads and reducing the risk of cracks and burns.
- Maintain a cool environment at home: use air conditioning or fans, especially if your dog spends a lot of time there.
Implementing these tips will help keep your dog cool, safe and comfortable during the summer, avoiding the most common problems that the heat can cause. By following these tips, your pet will be able to enjoy the summer as much as you do.