Alimentos prohibidos para tu mascota


Taking care of the welfare of our pets involves being informed about what food is appropriate. There are certain foods that are prohibited in the diet of dogs, since their consumption can cause major health problems and can even be potentially deadly products for your dog. Below you will find a list of products that are forbidden for dogs, mainly for health reasons. In this way we will try to help you when you ask yourself: what can my dog eat? or we will clarify some topics such as: can I give sugar or candy to my dog, do dogs go blind if they eat chocolate, etc. Here are some of the foods that are harmful for your dog:

  • Chocolate: chocolate contains methylxanthines, a substance whose ingestion can produce a state of excitement that lasts for hours and can even be fatal. The effect is similar to an overdose of amphetamines. But no, your dog will not go blind from eating chocolate.
  • Onions and garlic: both foods, in any of their forms (raw or cooked) can cause anemia by hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). It is very common to give leftover food to pets, the truth is that they usually like it very much, but try not to give them food with garlic and onion, they are basic in the Mediterranean diet, but your dog will not like garlic and onion.
  • Grapes and raisins: are nephrotoxic, causing renal failure. Grapes and raisins are highly harmful to dogs, even when consumed in small quantities.
  • Raw legumes: contain fascine, a substance toxic to dogs that can cause vomiting, cramps and bloody diarrhea in your pet. However, dogs can eat cooked legumes.
  • Avocado: contains a substance called persin which is potentially dangerous for dogs. After consumption there may be mild symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, but in more serious cases it can cause pancreatitis.
  • Nuts: although the most dangerous for your dog is undoubtedly the macadamia nut, which can cause weakness, tremors and vomiting: also almonds, walnuts and other nuts are not suitable for dogs.
  • Fruits with stones (apricots, plums, cherries, peaches…): Although dogs like to play with stones, the stone of these fruits contain hydrocyanic acid, which can cause serious neurological disorders in your pet’s health. If your dog swallows the stone whole, he may also suffer from a blockage in the intestine.
  • Raw eggs in bad condition: they can cause salmonella, to avoid this, give them only cooked. The same as humans.
  • Bones to chew on: It is very typical to give your dog meat bones or ham bones to chew on, something very Spanish, but is it good to give bones to your dog? It is true that chewing bones keeps your dog’s teeth clean and his jaw strong, besides, it is a game for your pet, since this way he is entertained. However, your pet chewing on bones can pose a risk, as the bones can splinter and cause fractures in the dog’s teeth, especially if they are cooked bones. Bones can also cause intestinal obstruction in dogs and infections that are highly harmful to your dog, such as salmonella or E. coli.

In case your pet has consumed any of these foods, take it immediately to the veterinarian. He will ask you about the time of ingestion, the type of food and the amount eaten. Based on your answers, he will initiate appropriate treatment. Although treatment may not always be available, or it may be too late, sometimes it can save your dog’s life.

Generally speaking, there are also certain foods that are not highly recommended for feeding dogs, such as:

  • Too fatty and spicy foods: excess fat can lead to a long pancreatitis.
  • Fruit: because it has a lot of sugar, it is advisable to take it in small quantities.
  • Fish: because it has a high amount of protein and fat, it can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Of course, if you give fish to your dog, make sure it has no bones.
  • Dairy products: dairy products can cause intestinal problems in dogs that are lactose intolerant.

Now that you know what foods you should avoid giving your dog, you may wonder what they should eat? We always recommend, as far as possible, to avoid giving them food that we humans eat. For them, the best thing to do is to give them feed, which in addition to taking care of their health and well-being, will give them the vitamins and substances necessary for their organism. In Ladran Gaucho we have 2 types:

  • Togo Bioprotein insect protein food: ideal for adult dogs of all breeds. It is made from 100% natural foods, probiotics and chondroprotectors, including insect protein, with high nutritional value, and Omega 3 and 6 oils, which influence the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems, improving their functioning and benefiting the skin and coat of your pet. In case your pet is intolerant or allergic to cereals, these feeds do not contain them. Thanks to this, the joint health and the functioning of the digestive system of our pets will improve.
  • Togo Veggie: Ideal for adult dogs of all breeds. The difference with Togo Bioprotein insect protein food is that Veggie is mainly composed of fruits, vegetables and superfoods suitable for our pets, such as peas (rich in vitamins A and C, and with antioxidant properties), flax seeds (rich in minerals and microminerals, which favor the skin and hair of our furry, fighting aging) and devil’s claw (with anti-inflammatory properties in rheumatic conditions, arthritis, tendinitis and other pains).

Either of the two feeds you give your pet will make him thank you forever. Food is life, and our little friends deserve the best of everything!

The story of Ladran Gaucho was born from a lifelong love, vocation and dedication to dogs together with the desire to make the world a better place.
With these two premises we designed an original pet product that would support local craftsmanship and adapt it to the “animal fashion”. In this way we were creating a product that did not exist in the market, that could be in demand and, at the same time, supporting craftsmanship and the people who dedicate themselves to it; usually disadvantaged people.
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